
Most of these testimonials were provided via anonymous surveys that participants complete at the end of the projects. 

“I just wanted to say “WOW” and thank you again to you, Stephanie Blumensaat for this project. I have gotten more from these pictures and everyone’s honest, poignant, and hope-filled comments than I have of the multitude of therapist’s sessions of the last 10 years of illness! i have never felt LESS ALONE! Today I have cried and smiled and best of all have felt hopeful (and that isn’t something I have felt in years). I can’t imagine how much better this could be”. – Kathy*

“Since joining this project I have found reserves of courage I did not know I had to get back out into the world and have adventures. Because I found other people who understood my situation, because I knew you would all understand, because of that sense of community. Thank you all for being you and being here and a special thank you to Stephanie Blumensaat.” – Lea*

“Cannot express how much this project, process and group has influenced me in the short timespan. Support…. Encouragement… Different perspectives… All culminating in a journey into self. Expression from the prompts each with photos both challenged and opened up learning and self discovery. Amazing way to share two weeks together in a medium for growth.” – Anonymous

“As a person suffering the ups and downs of major chronic health issues for over 20 years, this course has made a tremendous positive impact on my emotional journey. I’m just finishing my third session, and once again Stephanie’s skill and the support of people who truly understand have helped me to look at myself with compassion, appreciate what is working, identify thinking errors and look beyond myself. I can’t say enough about how valuable this course is – Stephanie is amazing.” – Anonymous

“This was honestly life-changing for me. It helped me see places where I was stuck, things I COULD change in my life for the better, things worth celebrating, even with chronic pain and illness. My life is still worth living. I still have much to contribute. And I’m not the only one struggling. This did more for me than a whole year’s worth of counseling. I’m also really stoked about my photography. I can’t wait to keep going with it. Thank-you so much for the gift of this project.” -Anonymous

“The words and images that are shared throughout this project reassure me that I am not alone in my struggle, and that there is no shame in confessing how I truly feel about my disease affecting my life. No one wants to live in pain, but it helps immensely to be able to share without judgement and know that you are not alone.” – Anonymous

“The photo challenge is just that: a challenge to take a deeper dive into your heart, soul and mind. Initially I was afraid of being vulnerable both with others and myself. But it’s a safe space with amazing women from all points and places and it feels good to share things that I don’t share elsewhere.” – Anonymous

“This project allowed me to explore several issues that accompany my life living with chronic pain and illness. Being able to explore my chronic life through photography while being with a group of supportive, loving and caring women who understand exactly how you feel is absolutely priceless.” – Anonymous

“It was great to be challenged by the prompts and have the freedom to participate as I could throughout the project. It was a true blessing to connect with women from all over the world and know I definitely was not alone in my struggles.” – Anonymous

“This course was invaluable not only to get me to look at some things I don’t usually think about, but it was a privilege to read and see what others expressed. So much of it resonated with my own experience.” – Anonymous

“I don’t talk about how I’m really feeling much, and at times don’t even admit it to myself. This project gave me a perfect outlet to deal with what I was going through, know that I’m not alone when I feel like I am, and share photography-something I love to do.” – Anonymous

“This project is a wonderful way to build a community sense with women who share the reality of chronic illness and pain, which is usually a lonely experience. The connection is real!” – Anonymous

“Being a part of this therapeutic photography project gave me a sense of community that I was missing in my daily life. It helped me to reconnect to my creativity and remember the things that bring me joy. Doing this project more than once helped me to see ways in which I have grown that otherwise would not have been visible. Most of all, I’ve made lots of new friends and feel much less alone in the challenges I face each day.” – Anonymous

“This was such a wonderful experience. I loved using photography to express the different emotions that all of us with chronic illness experience. Although, I didn’t participate everyday, I loved reading others comments and seeing how their photo related to their experience.. such a great project!!” – Anonymous

“I found a reason to explore every day, i made new friends and discovered a community of like minded people. I will recommend this course to everyone.” – Anonymous

I loved this project. I made new friends and enjoyed the community it provided. We are all at different places in the journey and sharing in this way really brought a lot of emotional healing and allowed me to encourage others as well. It can be so easy sometimes to get trapped in our own little world of illness. This let me see so much more. Thank you❤” – Anonymous

“Using something as simple as blending photography with a prompt word creates healing not only within the participant, but also creates community within the group. What a great experience This is definitely something I would do again!” – Anonymous

“To express in words, what this course has done for me is very difficult. To share your innermost fears and thoughts with others who are experiencing similar issues has been one of the most rewarding experiences I’ve had since I became ill. This project has been beyond helpful. I am so grateful for the gift of this photography project.” -Anonymous

“This group helped me to fight loneliness and to accept my feelings as they are. Participating fb group doesn’t require to leave home. Safe and helpful. Peer support is amazing!” – Anonymous

“Thank you so much for creating this challenge! Words can’t express how much I enjoyed it! You did an excellent job picking the topics and facilitating the group. The topics inspired me and taught me a lot about myself and others who live with chronic pain/illness. I connected with a wonderful group of people. Lastly, I’m looking forward to participating in more of your groups”. -Jan*

“This project has impacted me and helped me grow during a really tough time“. – Kaia*

“This project gave me a safe space and structure to un-hide parts of myself and commiserate and console my self and others. And most important, it has given me more than I can express to see all of you fighting, trying, crying, laughing, loving, savoring, despairing, sharing and living fiercely. I am not alone in that and that feels so very good”. -Dedrie*

“It is making me face things I have somewhat successfully buried“. -Kimmy*

“I think this group is bringing out the sparkle in all of us. Lighting each other’s candles”. – Madeline*

“That’s what’s so healing about this project, is sharing with people who trust your story because it resonates with their own“. -Monique

“It has been such a wonderful 14 day journey….Forging through the challenge set each day, we were prompted to think, dream, inspire & encourage, and look at illness from other’s perspectives….I have learned so much in these two weeks, gained support and friendship that will continue on….
Special thank you to the spirit, dedication and passion of Stephanie Blumensaat.” – Kyla

“Doing this photo project has been helping me to bring things to the surface that needed to be acknowledged. And it has helped me to see the areas where I have grown since last year’s photo project. I’ve made strides in practicing gratitude and that makes me happy!” – Rene

*To maintain confidentiality names have been changed.

One thought on “Testimonials

  1. When I started this project I thought it would be something neat to do to help me pass the time. What it actually became for me was an outlet of emotion and reflection. Finding Connection in a world of pain and chronic illness can often be a lonely Journey. This project brought us together in the club that nobody wants a membership to, but how nice to know it is here. I am grateful for every prompt, every shared photo and every word of honesty. This was truly a project of Hope and healing.


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